Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sweater Weather

Well it's been a while since my last post.. Sorry but it has been a super busy and tiring week. No complaints though! Last Thursday I actually went to my college's Homecoming Concert where Will Hoge, Frankie Ballard, and Eli Young Band performed! It was a blast. Then my friends and I decided to it would be a great idea to just stay up all night since we had to register for classes at 5 a.m. the next morning anyways.. Yeah that wasn't smart! Then on Friday we watched the homecoming parade and went to a pep rally in downtown Bowling Green. Then on Saturday we went to the football game and watched the Tops win! This week has been filled with projects, homework, and tests so yeah I've been going nonstop for a while now.

Anyways, it is COLD here in Kentucky. Like freezing cold. A cold front passed through mid Tuesday afternoon and then temperatures dropped dramatically. Some places saw temps drop 20° in only an hour. Today actually didn't even get out of the 30s. Tomorrow is suppose to be just as cold! On Saturday, my parents, my sister, and my bro-in-law are coming up for the army game! I hope they come prepared through because the forecasted high is only in the mid 40s! Actually, there is a decent possibility of snow (more likely cold rain and ice) late Saturday night and early Sunday morning. Crazy! And this is why this post is named "sweater weather"!

Well that's all for now! Thanks for reading and #GoTops #BeatArmy

Oh and as you can see below, WKU's president is pretty awesome!

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