Thursday, October 30, 2014

First Post! Here Goes Nothing...

So I've decided to create this blog. There is no specific topic that I am planning on blogging about. One day (or most days lol) I may talk about sports, one day I may comment on my adventures at Western Kentucky University, and then i may talk about my studies in meteorology. The reason for this blog is mostly for me to be able to talk about my opinion. I love tweeting about a variety of subjects but 140 characters are not enough sometimes. So a blog will allow me to expand on my opinions and explain myself a bit more. Another reason for this blog is that it gives me an opportunity to communicate my adventures at WKU with old friends who are back home or at other colleges. I can't promise posts everyday or even often at all. I will probably only post when I'm bored and have no homework or studying to do.We will see how it goes and then maybe I will post more often if I become addicted.

A FEW DISCLAIMERS: I will make spelling errors. I will make grammatical errors. Opinions are open for debate, I won't be offended,
but remember I'm right and you're wrong.

So that's basically it. I hope y'all enjoy!

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