I am currently sitting here watching the AL Wild Card game and it has reminded me how different a postseason game is compared to a regular season game. Every single pitch is important. Every single swing is with a purpose. Every single play puts you on the edge of your seat. Last year when the Mets were in the Postseason I remember watching the games generally alone in my dorm room. Only a brave few souls would check up on me every once in a while to make sure I was doing ok. In general, I was doing pretty well last year due to the successful run the Mets had to the World Series (sweeping the Cubs is pretty dang enjoyable)! But I'll admit there were times when I lost my cool... *cough* Chase Utley's slide *cough* Also, Duda's bad throw home made me get up and take a walk around campus because I knew the Mets magical run had ended.Those moments left me feeling like this...

So by now you probably think I'm crazy to let a silly sports team determine my emotions. To be honest I'm not that bad, well compared to other die-hard fans. I may get heated in the moment but typically within a few minutes I'm able to get my emotions in check. I mean it's only a game, mere entertainment, that I don't have any control over. So why do I get emotional in the first place? Because I have become attached to this team. The Mets may be just be another baseball team to you, but to me they're almost like family. I can hear you laughing right now... How cliche, right? Ok yes I know it sounds silly, but following the Mets brings me joy. Even when they stink, I find joy in sitting down and watching my favorite players play my favorite sport.

Sports in general can be a good escape from reality. When I turn on a Mets game all of my worries, issues, and problems just fade away. They can wait until after the game. Also, sports have a unique way of healing, whether on a personal level or on a national level. For example, Mike Piazza's HR against the Braves in the first professional ball game played in NY after the 9/11 attacks. This homer gave the Mets the lead (eventually the win) and also signified the beginning of the healing process for NYC.
Another reason I love baseball and the Mets? Well this exchange from the movie Fever Pitch sums things up pretty perfectly:
Troy: Why do we inflict this on ourselves?Ben: Why? I'll tell you why, 'cause the Red Sox never let you down.Troy: Huh?Ben: That's right. I mean - why? Because they haven't won a World Series in a century or so? So what? They're here. Every April, they're here. At 1:05 or at 7:05, there is a game. And if it gets rained out, guess what? They make it up to you. Does anyone else in your life do that? The Red Sox don't get divorced. This is a real family. This is the family that's here for you.
If you don't know what Fever Pitch is about, basically its about a die-hard Red Sox fan who falls in love with a girl who is clueless about baseball. This movie perfectly shows what a true die hard fan is like and how they reason their love for their team. My favorite scene from the movie? Definitely this one...
So after reading this post you probably think I'm crazy, and yeah I kind of am. But that's ok! The Mets make me happy so I'm going to continue to obsess over them! A little craziness never hurt nobody.