Before I talk about WKU, I'd like to tell you a little about myself so you can understand where I'm coming from:
I was born in upstate NY.
I have been a NY sports fan since the day I was born (Mets, Jets, Rangers, Knicks).
I know my teams aren't too hot, but they have some damn loyal fan-bases.
I moved to Alabama when I was 5 and my family was forced to choose a team: Alabama or Auburn?
We were also forced to choose a BBQ place: Dreamland, duh.
We chose Bama because Joe Namath (ex-Jets QB) went there ( I am not a fair-weather fan... Bama sucked when I lived there...).
I have been loyal to them ever since (except when they play my Toppers!) even after moving to Georgia.
Both my sister's went to Georgia Southern University, a college with an extremely rich football tradition. That's where I learned any school can have a great atmosphere.
GSU is 0-7 this year and I can just about guarantee that their attendance numbers better ours...
I digress, back to WKU:
Now before I continue let me just say I understand what this person means. The 2017 Hilltoppers don't have the glitz and the glamour that the 2016 team had. The games haven't been pretty at times, but they haven't been so bad that you shouldn't come out and support the team. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that overall the program has take a slight (very slight in my opinion) step backwards. This is, for the most part, due to the departure of Jeff Brohm and the arrival of a very young Mike Sanford. Anytime a new coach comes in, there is going to be some growing pains.

I believe Mike Sanford has done a very respectable job replacing Brohm. With 5 wins and 3 losses, Sanford has matched Brohm's record to this point in 2016. Now two of the three losses in 2016 were to SEC teams but it is also worth noting that the 2016 Hilltoppers barely squeaked out a win against MTSU and could have easily started the season 4-4. Also, with the exception of a few games during Brohm's tenure, most games were shootouts where our offense had to outscore our defense. Let's be frank, the defense sucked under Brohm. Brohm's offense obviously made up for this but that is a dangerous way to live in the long run. I have always believed in the phrase "defense wins championships" (see Alabama). Yes, Brohm won two C-USA championships but that shouldn't be the only goal for WKU's program. We should be aiming for a New Year's Six Bowl berth and win. To accomplish that goal, this team needs to play some defense.
Under Mike Sanford, the defense has definitely improved, especially in the secondary. The run defense needs some work, but that will take time through recruiting. In the trenches, on both sides of the ball, the players are relatively young and inexperienced. Sanford and company did a good job recruiting in the limited amount of time they could for the 2017 season, but not every hole could be filled.This is most prevalent on the offensive line. The offense has taken a step back this year and in my opinion the offensive line is to blame. This team hasn't been able to establish the run all season and pass protection has been sub-par.
Bottom line, Sanford has done a good job with this team so far in his first year as head coach. At 5-3, there really isn't much to piss and moan about with all things considered. Again, I get that the wins haven't always been pretty and some of the losses have been rough. Sanford has and will make mistakes, but he and the program will learn and grow throughout the season. But for a first year head coach Mike Sanford has gotten my stamp of approval.

You may disagree and that's fine... you're entitled to you're opinion, BUT I do disagree with not showing up to games when the team is over .500 and has a QB with a possible NFL future. The school spirit at this university is down right pitiful... It is a privilege to go to a Division-I school that lets you go to sporting events for FREE. The least you can do is show up! I mean, what else do you have going on? Watching UK (a school you do not attend)?
If that's the case then hear me out: I am a diehard Bama fan. I never like missing a game, but I'd still rather attend a WKU game than watch Bama play on TV. I also attended the WKU vs Alabama game last year and was decked out in Tops gear and cheered for my beloved Tops the entire time... Call me old school, but I like to create memories and attending games with my friends makes for a much better memory than sitting in front of a TV. (And no offense but Bama has a lot more to play for each week than Kentucky...)
And one more thing: A tailgate isn't an excuse to get black-out drunk but rather an opportunity to hang out, have some brewskis, and get ready to watch the Tops kick some ass. So if you can't control yourself enough to make it to the game and stay past halftime, then I'd rather you not show up. The game is four quarters long, not two. As Saban said at Alabama, if you expect the players to play the full 60 minutes, then it shouldn't be a problem for the fans to stay for the full 60 minutes.
The games are a lot more fun when the stadium is packed and the students are going crazy. When a close game enters the fourth quarter, the intensity should increase... Unfortunately that doesn't happen here and believe it or not, it affects the players. I honestly believe the result of this years La Tech game would have been much different if fans stayed until the end and made some much needed noise.

If this post offends you, then you're part of the problem here at WKU. I love this school and I love this team, so I am here to defend them and defend them I will. You attend WKU, a school with a successful football program, take advantage of it. Show up, wear red, go crazy!